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Get a Library Card

Bartholomew County Public Library promotes responsible lifelong library use with minimal barriers to facilitate fair and equitable sharing of the community's collections.

Individuals applying in-person for a BCPL card must present current photo identification.

Children, up to 17, may, with parental signature and parental identification, obtain a Library card. Children, ages 13-17, may be issued a borrower’s card without parental signature by presenting photo identification as defined above.

For new borrowers applying in-person, the library card is mailed to verify the address. Until the card arrives, these new borrowers can have two items at a time. 

New adult applicants living in Bartholomew County can apply online and, if verified, instantly get a library card account for full access.     

Our outreach staff can assist in providing card access to Bartholomew County residents who may have difficulty being verified for a card online. View our outreach page for more information

Types of Cards:

Resident Card
Resident Card
Individuals of all ages are eligible for a Bartholomew County Public Library card if they live at a Bartholomew County address or own real property (real estate) in Bartholomew County. Property owners must show proof of ownership. Card must be renewed every 3 years.

Cards for minors and out-of-county patrons must be requested at a library service desk. Adults living in Bartholomew County have the option of completing an online form for a library card.
A child who is 12 years of age or younger is issued a Child borrower’s card. Anyone who is between 13 and 17 years of age is issued a Teen borrower’s card. Anyone who is 18 years of age or older is issued an Adult borrower’s card.
Employees of Bartholomew County Public Library will receive a library card for the duration of their employment. Card must be renewed every 3 years.
Out-of-county students attending school/college in Bartholomew County are eligible for a library card for the duration of their attendance. Card must be renewed every year.
Persons living in library districts with which BCPL has a reciprocal agreement are eligible for a resident library card. This includes libraries participating in the Statewide Reciprocal Borrowing Covenant and local agreements with Greensburg-Decatur County Public Library, Jackson County Public Library, Jennings County Public Library, and Edinburgh Public Library. Card must be renewed every 3 years.
Teacher Card
Teacher Card
Classroom and homeschool teachers at a preschool, K-12, or college campus physically located within Bartholomew County are eligible for a teacher card for the duration of their employment. This card has a longer checkout period and higher checkout limit, and is meant to be used in support of school curriculum. Card must be renewed every year.
Youth Access Card
Youth Access Card
Anyone eligible for a resident or non-resident card under 18 may apply for a Youth Access card in lieu of a regular, full-access card. No parent or guardian signature will be required on the application, but notice will be sent to the youth’s address to the attention of the parent/guardian. A limit of 5 books/audiobooks in all formats will be imposed on the card. No DVDs, tablets, or other equipment may be checked out. The card will allow access to all online and digital resources. Card must be renewed every 3 years.
Public Library Access (PLAC)
Residents or non-resident taxpayers of any participating Indiana public Library district who have a current Library card are eligible to participate. To purchase a PLAC card, these individuals must present current photo identification and identification stating their current address of residency in addition to their home Library card. After payment of the PLAC fee, a PLAC card and a BCPL card will be issued.If an individual presents a PLAC card issued at another Library, a BCPL card may be issued upon presentation of current photo identification and identification stating their current address of residency. Cards will be issued only to the PLAC cardholder and expire one year from the date of purchase of the PLAC card.
Non-Resident Card
Non-Resident Card
Non-Resident Cards are only for individuals living in the state of Indiana but who reside in a non-library taxing district. After paying an annual fee in-person, non-resident cardholders have the same benefits as resident cardholders. Fee rates are set annually. Card must be renewed every year.
Institutional Card
Institutional Card
Schools, daycares, residential care facilities, governmental agencies, and nonprofit (501c3) organizations physically located within Bartholomew County are eligible for an institutional card. An employee of the organization must complete the application and have the manager, director, or financial officer of t he organization sign the application stating that the institution agrees to the financial responsibility of the items charged to the account. The card must be renewed every 3 years.